180° SOUTH

Ever since I purchased Thicker Than Water on VHS I’ve admired and been inspired by all projects involving Woodshed Films. After watching the 3 minute and 47 second trailer for 180° SOUTH (an upcoming Woodshed release) I feel just like I did as I sat in the backseat of my Grandmother’s car heading home from the surf shop, itching to pop the ‘Thicker than Water’ VHS into the 15″ TV/VCR combo the moment we returned home.

180° SOUTH’s cast includes the legendary Yvon Chouinard (Founder of Patagonia), Jeff Johnson & Keith Malloy and is inspired by a 1968 trip to Mt. Fitzroy, Patagonia. The same trip which eventually led Chouinard to start Patagonia (the brand). Watch and learn more at 180South.com

*Also if you have the chance read Chouinard’s Let My People Go Surfing, a truly inspiring book!



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